Anthurium Radicans-Dressleri vs Piper betle
- jual bibit anggrek
- Thursday, February 21, 2008
Worth waiting anthurium. A hybrid of creeping brazilian anthurium spesies (radicans) with anthurium dressleri produce a beautiful bullate te...
Anthurium atau Philo?
Dari dulu saya penasaran sebenarnya apa yang digunakan botanist untuk membedakan anthurium dari keluarga aroid lainnya semisal aglaonema, co...
Anthurium 'Kol'
- jual bibit anggrek
- Saturday, February 16, 2008
This is a four leaves anthurium 'kol' seedling. The price of this kind of plants soar high in recent year in Indonesia. Whether it...
My Black Selvet
My Anthurium 'Black Selvet' seedling. The future mysterious dark foliage anthurium. The petioles already have reddish/purplies colou...
My Survived Salviniae
This anthurium salviniae was also travelled with my anthurium marie. It was sent from Florida with leaves almost 1 meter length but almost a...